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Corney and Barrow Summer Wine Tasting

Every year, Members and guests look forward to the annual Wine Tasting Supper with Mr Bryce Fraser of Corney & Barrow, wine merchants to the Club.


I am delighted to confirm the details for this event, which will take place on Thursday 31st August at 6.30 for 7.00pm.


This year, Bryce has personally selected a TOP SECRET array of fantastic and eclectic wines to accompany our menu. I am sworn to secrecy but can happily assure Members and guests that they are in for a real treat and a perception-challenging evening.


In total, Bryce will offer seven wines throughout the meal – two whites, four reds, and a dessert wine. The ticket price for the evening is £55.00 per person, which includes provision of these wines. This represents astonishing value for the wine alone and we are, as ever, grateful to Bryce for his trademark munificence.


Here are the details of the evening’s menu:



Fillet of Rock Turbot in Kataifi Pastry, Parsley Mayonnaise, Pickled Cucumber, Apple and Dulce


Two mystery whites




Braised Daube of Venison in a Red Wine and Port Reduction, Roast Parsnip, Caramelised Shallot, Forest Mushrooms, Black Garlic, Buttered Greens


Two mystery reds




Trio of British Cheese, Homemade Chutney, Frosted Grapes, Quince, Wafers


Two mystery reds




White Chocolate and Raspberry Ice Cream Bar, Roasted Hazelnuts


One mystery dessert wine




Coffee, Tea, Club Tablet



This event is nearly fully subscribed, but we have a handful of places remaining. To avoid disappointment, please book without delay by emailing us at, or appending your name to the sign-up sheet in Reception.

26 August

Club Summer BBQ

1 September

French Night